Gifted Children
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Aren't All Children Gifted?
All children are special and have unique gifts to offer the world, but not all children are gifted. Gifted children have a unique makeup that reaches far beyond an IQ score or specific talent. Inherent and heightened mental and emotional intensities and sensitivities envelope the whole gifted child, often resulting in a need for special approaches to parenting, education, and counseling. Gifted children experience the world in a unique and highly sensitive way, they have an "over-awareness" of everything, including world and sociological issues at a very young age, but do not posses the emotional maturity to deal with these realities - asynchrony - as a result many gifted children struggle with early, and often life long, issues of anxiety and existential depression. They see, feel, and act in the world differently than other children and are usually aware of this, often resulting in added social implications. They experience high sensitivity and sensory perception and can display subsequent behavioral intensities which are often mislabeled as disobedience, ADHD, and other behavioral, learning and psychological disorders. Asynchronous development - the disconnect between mental and emotional maturity in the gifted child - can be frustrating or at least confusing to parents, teachers, and onlookers, and is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Most gifted children are divergent thinkers, this trait that may be valued in an adult whos "out of the box" thinking leads to a new invention,
is often seen as disobedience, defiance or non-conformism in the gifted child.
For more information on how to identify and support the special needs of gifted children:
Recognizing Why Gifted Children Have Social/Emotional Behavioral Problems
Common Characteristics Of Gifted Children
Common Traits Of Gifted Children
Bright Verses Gifted
Super-Sensitivities In Gifted Children
Helping Gifted Kids Cope With Intense Emotions
The Twice Exceptional (2E) Gifted Child
"The term twice-exceptional (2e) refers to individuals who are both gifted and have a learning, behavioral or psychological disorder. They are considered twice-exceptional because they fall into the exceptional range statistically for their cognitive, academic, or creative abilities and potential, and also fall in the lower end of exceptional in their deficit area. This asynchrony, or uneven development, can cause extreme frustration, stress, and emotional and behavioral reactions."
For more information about 2e children:
What Is Twice-Exceptional (2e)?
For more information about 2e children:
What Is Twice-Exceptional (2e)?
Misdiagnosis Of Gifted & Highly Creative Kids
Most health professionals are not well trained in gifted identification. Gifted traits, sensitivities and intensities can result in behaviors that mimic behavioral, learning and psychological disorders. Learning about the unique social and emotional characteristics and traits of gifted children is paramount when advocating for your child's needs with family and friends, at school,
the doctors office, and beyond.
For more information on the issue of misdiagnosis of gifted children:
The Highly Creative Child
Gifted Individuals May Look Like This
Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis Of Gifted Children
Decreasing Medical Misdiagnosis In Gifted Children - Printable Brochure For The Medical Professionals In Your Life
ADHD & Creativity
Super Sensitivities (Overexcitabilities) In Gifted Children
What Do These People Have In Common (ADHD & creativity slideshow)
The Highly Sensitive Child
It has been said that all gifted people/children are highly sensitive people (HSP/HSC), but not all highly sensitive people are gifted. In any case, gifted and creative children are affected everyday by the way their high sensitivity affects the way they see, feel, and act in the world. High sensitivity and sensory perception in gifted and many highly creative children is inherent. It is not something
that can be "fixed" or will change over time. However, with proper identification,
understanding and support - parenting techniques, coping skills, and sensory aids, the physical and
emotional distress caused by heightened sensitivity can be greatly reduced.
For more information on the trait of high sensitivity in gifted & creative children:
The Highly Sensitive Child
Gifted Children & Sensitivity
Super Sensitivities (Overexcitabilities) In Gifted Children
High Sensory Perception In Gifted Children
Gifted Children With Sensory Processing Disorder
Helping Gifted Kids Cope With Intense Emotions
ADHD, ODD or Gifted Overexcitability?
(High Energy In Gifted Kids - Psychomotor Overexcitability)
Polish psychologist and psychiatrist Kazimierz Dabrowski found that gifted children possess up to five "overexcitabilities." The overexcitability or what is now commonly referred to as "super-sensitivity" is what allows for higher awareness, focus, potential or ability in a certain area. The five overexcitabilities found in gifted children are: Intellectual, Imaginational, Sensory, Emotional, and Psychomotor. It has been said that most all gifted children possess at least three, but some possess all five of the overexcitabilities. However, one or two may be prominent. The Psychomotor excitability indicates a high level of physical energy.
A high level of physical energy is common in children with high intelligence.
For more information on the trait of high energy or Psychomotor Overexcitability in gifted children:
Understanding High Energy In Gifted Kids
ADD, ADHD Or The Kinesthetic Child?
Overexcitability & The Gifted
When Good Enough - Isn't Good Enough
A prominent trait in gifted children is perfectionism which can lead to procrastination, underachievement, low self-esteem, anxiety and more.
For more information on the trait of perfectionism in gifted and creative children:
Helping Gifted Students Cope With Perfectionism
Perfectionism (NAGC)
The Emotional Drama Of Giftedness - Self Concept, Perfectionism, & Sensitivity
For more information on the trait of perfectionism in gifted and creative children:
Helping Gifted Students Cope With Perfectionism
Perfectionism (NAGC)
The Emotional Drama Of Giftedness - Self Concept, Perfectionism, & Sensitivity
The Uniquely-Unique Needs Of The Creatively Gifted Child
The uniquely unique creatively-gifted child. Highly creative children
may require an even more specialized approach to parenting and education.
For more information on supporting the highly creative child:
Creatively Gifted Students Are Not Like Other Gifted Students (Study & Book)
Understanding The Creatively Gifted Child
5 Types Of Creative Thinking
ADHD & Creativity
may require an even more specialized approach to parenting and education.
For more information on supporting the highly creative child:
Creatively Gifted Students Are Not Like Other Gifted Students (Study & Book)
Understanding The Creatively Gifted Child
5 Types Of Creative Thinking
ADHD & Creativity
Asynchronous Development In Gifted Children
"Giftedness is asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm. This asynchrony increases with higher intellectual capacity. The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching, and counseling in order for them to develop optimally."
For more information on the trait of asynchronicity in gifted children:
Asynchronous Development (SENG)
Asynchronous Development (NAGC)
Divergent Thinking In Gifted & Creative Children
Two Good Kids - Differently Wired Brains - Convergent Verses Divergent Thinking
Do you have a stubborn child, a child that question rules, argues with you, only wants to do things their own way? Are they bored with or resistant to school work? You may just have a gifted & highly creative child. Most all gifted and/or highly creative kids are divergent thinkers - like genius inventors of the past - programmed to question rules and the status quo, to seek out and
argue toward new possibilities & solutions.
For more information on the subject of divergent thinking:
The Divergent Thinker Article
Convergent Thinker/Divergent Thinker "The Boy Who Knew Too Much"
Developing Creativity By Nurturing Divergent Thinking
The Importance Of Friends & Intellectual Peers
The importance of providing time with intellectual-peers and friends with similar interests
when raising gifted and highly creative kids.
For more information about the social needs of gifted children:
Tips For Parents - Gifted Children's Friendships
Play Partner or Sure Shelter - Why Gifted Kids Prefer Older Friends
Friendships And The Gifted Child
Riverside County, CA Gifted Children Meetups & Parent Support group
The Creative Child
The Need For Mental Space, Freedom & Time To Create
Highly creative children need plenty of time and space to just be.... to daydream, imagine, and not only create, but be inspired - to feel content, secure, and fulfilled. They have an intense need to feel they are accepted for who they are and that they, as well as what is important to them, is understood. Many highly creative children are intensely interested in art forms that are considered "time-wasters" by some adults; fashion, music, videos, fandoms and video games - because they are able to see the artistic side of these interests and activities, the depth, endless possibilities for exploration, invention and change and the provision of autonomy and mental solitude in these type of arts, captivates as well as soothes the highly creative mind. Intense or unusual interests in gifted and creative children are common and may vary or come and go as to importance or priority in the child's life. It is important to understand this aspect of gifted and creative children and where possible allow adequate time for what is presently important to the child.
For more information on the special needs of highly creative children:
Children Need Space For Creativity
The Importance Of Imaginative Play
How Daydreaming Helps Children Process Information And Explore Ideas
How Tween/Teen "Time Wasters" Can Lead To Real Interest-Based Learning
Best Books For Raising Creatively Gifted Children
High Sensory Perception/Sensory Overload!
Gifted, highly sensitive & highly creative people can sometimes seem out of step with the world. Much of this is due to their high sensitivities or high sensory perception, they experience the world in a much more heightened state of awareness than most people. High sensory perception in gifted kids can result in behavioral intensities that are confusing to parents and onlookers. Learn more about high sensory perception in the articles below.
For more information on the trait of high sensory perception:
High Sensory Perception In Gifted Children
High Sensitivity - Gifted - Not A Disorder
Gifted Children With Sensory Processing Disorder (high sensory perception in itself is not a disorder)
Homeschooling & Interest Driven Learning
Homeschooling gifted & highly creative kids with interest driven, project based, group & online learning. Most all creative kids learn best through their interests or in a project/group based environment where their ideas and opinions are encouraged and valued. Many gifted children also enjoy hands-on learning utilizing computer/online options - interest based online educational options are just now starting to be offered in a variety of subjects.
For more information about homeschooling and interest-driven learning:
The Ultimate Guide To Homeschooling Gifted Kids
Online Homeschooling Programs
Teaching Activities Centered Around Your Child's Interests (where to start)
Interest Based Learning
Creating Your Own Interest-Based Middle School Curriculum
Let's Homeschool High School
Homeschooling High School Students (basic information)
Hoagies Gifted Education Page - Distance Learning Programs
Project Based Learning
Is School Enough? Exploring Interest Driven & Informal Learning
Using Children's Interests To Build Communication Skills (from early on)
Interest-Driven Homeschooling Resources
What Child-Led Homeschooling Looks Like For Us
For more information about homeschooling and interest-driven learning:
The Ultimate Guide To Homeschooling Gifted Kids
Online Homeschooling Programs
Teaching Activities Centered Around Your Child's Interests (where to start)
Interest Based Learning
Creating Your Own Interest-Based Middle School Curriculum
Let's Homeschool High School
Homeschooling High School Students (basic information)
Hoagies Gifted Education Page - Distance Learning Programs
Project Based Learning
Is School Enough? Exploring Interest Driven & Informal Learning
Using Children's Interests To Build Communication Skills (from early on)
Interest-Driven Homeschooling Resources
What Child-Led Homeschooling Looks Like For Us
Is Unschooling Even An Option?
Unschooling as an option for gifted and highly creative kids.
For more information about unschooling gifted and creative children:
Why I Chose To Unschool My Gifted Child
Everyone Deserves A Childhood - Unschooling Gifted Kids
Gifted Unschooling
Is School Enough? Exploring Interest Driven & Informal Learning
53 Ways To Help Your Children Learn (through normal daily activities)
Education Step 1 - Identify Your Child's Unique Learning Style
Identifying your child's unique learning style is step one in developing a curriculum or advocating for your child's needs at school. This is one area where a Proactive Parenting Coach can REALLY help you and your family. After you request your personal Proactive Parenting Coaching session, you will be asked that you and your child(ren) each fill out a communication/learning style assessment. The results of each of your assessments will be available to you at your first coaching session. By the end of your first coaching session you will possess valuable information. You will learn what you and your child(ren)'s communication or learning styles are, how they are the same or differ from other members of your family, and how those similarities and differences may affect your lives, learning and relationships. You will then be given information about each of your child's unique learning styles, and provided information, tips and tools to show you how to communicate and teach your child in the a way they will understand and be motivated by.
For more information about the important step of identifying your child's unique learning style:
The Ultimate Guide To Homeschooling Gifted Learners
Know Your Student
How To Homeschool - Determining Your Child's Learning Style
Learning Styles
For more information about the important step of identifying your child's unique learning style:
The Ultimate Guide To Homeschooling Gifted Learners
Know Your Student
How To Homeschool - Determining Your Child's Learning Style
Learning Styles