¨From The Beautiful Mountain Town Of Idyllwild CA¨
Coaching, Tutoring & Classes Offered By Life, Love & Parenting Center
Knowing your child’s learning style, also known as their modality or communication style, is key to knowing how to present information to them; teach, motivate and parent them. Identifying the Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic or Digital learner, gives parents great insight into how their unique child not only learns, but how they uniquely and inherently view the world. Parents will take the learning style assessments along with their children. With this crucial insight into your similarities and differences, we can start to put the pieces of the puzzle together, to knowing exactly how to teach your unique child, in a way they will best understand, be motivated by, and enjoy. Identifying and working with our children’s natural strengths, makes life and learning so much easier and more enjoyable for both teacher/parent and child. Emotional & sensory sensitivities and intensities, along with other factors that may affect your child’s life and learning, may also be identified through the assessment process.
Request your appointment using the button below — afterwards, scroll down to “Homeschool Coaching.”